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Peachtree Citadel Patio Door Adjustable Oak Sill Insert.
Inserts are original oak replacements sized to fit the Peachtree Door Sill Assembly.
Oak inserts include the adjuster caps and threaded studs installed.
Sill anchors are available [Call for correct size/ fit]
***Note- Pretreat [finish/seal the insert] before installing to prevent decay.
*** The French Door Oak insert does not come with the center set bolt hole drilled.
The set bolt hole must be marked and drilled after test fitting the oak insert.
The passive panel alignment for the set bolt can vary as the unit ages.

Select Oak Sill insert below.
Oak Sill Insert Door Panel Width offered:

a. 2'6" (actual size 28-3/4")
b. 2'8" (actual 31 3/4")
c. 3'0" (actual size 34-3/4")
d. 5'0" French unit
e. 5'5" French unit
f. 6'0" French unit (actual size 69 5/8")

Availability: In Stock
SKU: 98534932
Price: $58.50

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