Kits for the Carvel, Citation and Ariel Patio Doors include an
adjustable key cylinder tail shaft [2 1/4"-cut to fit door thickness],a
retainer screw and two keys. Cylinder face [key side] has a chrome trim
Key Cylinder Kit for the Citadel Handle is available in two choices.
#1- W&F Type handle set [1992-2003]. Rectangular face plate- brass plated.
The kit contains key cylinder with a tail shaft specific for the handle
set [1 1/2"] and two keys. Cylinder face [key side] has a chrome trim
#2- Baldwin Type handle set [1997-2003]. Polished brass construction and has an oval shape face plate.
The kit for the Baldwin type handle key cylinder set contains a key
cylinder with two keys. Cylinder face has a recessed edge to fit flush
into the exterior face plate. No chrome trim ring.
Call or email our customer service department with any questions.